About Me

Hello! My name is Alec, and I live in San Francisco, CA with my partner, Sylvia.

  • I work at Modal, building the future of serverless cloud infrastructure.
  • Previously, I was Systems Engineer-turned-Account Executive at Confluent, helping guide customers to a futureĀ of event streaming with Apache Kafka.
  • Prior to Confluent, I started my career at MemSQL (SingleStoreDB), where I learned the wide world of enterprise sales while working on one of the world's fastest databases.
  • Born and raised in northern Virginia, I was bit by the computer science bug early on in high school and took off to California to study CS at Stanford.
  • I graduated in 2016 and also earned a Masters in Management Science & Engineering in 2018.

  • Where I've Been

  • Check out my personal travel map.
  • Where I'm Going

    Contact Me

    alecpowell18 at gmail dot com